Dear Storm
We have 2 weeks left
until the regular season
is over!!! Wow, what is
going on out here, time
really flies when you're
having fun right?
Last week at Woodley
Park you guys really
showed up to race.
Coach Tom put together
our top ten list for
that meet and he
identified some amazing
improvements from a year
ago. Take a look below:
Brennan Givens, :49
improvement from 2013
Hayden Washington 1:00
faster than 2013
Joseph Anderson, :46
improvement from 2013
Emily Cruz, 2:08 faster
than 2013 time
Kayla Berreta, :32
faster than 2013
Audrey Dang, 2:04 faster
than 2013
Josh Duarte, :51 faster
than 2013
Joshua Anderson, 1:54
faster than 2013
Spectacular times
Well it's time to shift
gears as we go from a
completely flat course
to the most hills you'll
run all season! We'll
begin a taper this week
while we jump into some
more hill repeats. You
all are looking very
strong, let's work on
getting the legs in top
shape and you are going
to be ready to crush it
in these last two
meets. One word of
caution as we close out
the last 2 weeks. Check
out the overall season
results and you will
notice there are
athletes in almost every
division who are making
a late charge. Some
were placing over 10th
place and now they are
under 8th place. If
your desire is to go to
post season and
Nationals, you have to
be ready to fight for
those spots! That means
you never give up, you
keep pushing and
mentally you have to
overcome all the way to
the end! You all can do
it so keep pushing
Thanks to all of the
coaches who have stepped
it up while I've been
away the last 2 meets.
It's great having such a
solid team of parents,
coaches and athletes.
See you at Central Park
Coach Jeremy |