Santa Clarita Track Club
Santa Clarita Track Club Newsletter
August 5, 2016
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Please be sure to read each of the sections below. 

Our first practice starts in the morning August 6, at 8:00 am at Central Park in Santa Clarita.

Please be sure your child brings a bottle of water.  

Jennifer Grossman will have Stormwear at practice on Saturday at Central park, if you are interested in purchasing any stormwear items, please bring your check books. 

Please click our "Shop Stormwear" link on our website to visit our online store. We have added a online store to our website with examples of our spirit wear and merchandise, please be sure to click the "Shop Stormwear" link on our website to check out the merchandise. We do not ship items to you, you can pick them up at practice.  Click here to see it
Cross Country Sign Ups
We are now accepting Sign Ups for the 2016 Cross Country Season.

Please bring paperwork to practice to turn in now. 

The cost is $150.00 per athlete for the first 2 athletes per family and $90.00 for each athlete after that. Uniform not included, purchase only if needed. 
There is a price list in the packet on page 2.
Our calendar is updated, 
Click here to open the Sign Up packet
 (New Athletes use this link) 
Returning 2014/2015 XC, 2015/2016 TF Athletes Click here (Use this link if you have been on the team without a break). 
Athletes that have competed in the 2014 or 2015 cross country or 2015 or 2016 Track seasons we do not need the conference paperwork, we move it forward, so click the returning athlete packet.

Cross Country Information, Our practices will be up to 4 times per week. We will be at parks and the local college campus through out the week. We even have 2 beach practices planned this year! Please click on the calendar link on our website to see our practice schedule for the season.

Practice times are 6:00 - 7:15 PM evenings, 8:00 - 9:30 AM on Saturdays

We have 2 optional Beach practices which is a day for the family, the kids will practice for about an hour and a half, then spend the day together. We do this at Carpentaria State Beach. 
Parking may cost extra, the athlete's families are welcome to attend.
The athletes train in a groups based on ability to run at a specific pace for a period of time that the group is training at. Just because an athlete is in one group does not mean that we don't expect that athlete to race at a different level. The groups are mainly for our ability to keep the athletes together.

In most cases our coaches will try to guide your child in a direction that will be most beneficial to your child performance in the sport. This is done by feedback from your child to the coach about the child's interests.
As we get closer to the season and the schedule gets set items will be put onto the calendar. The calendar is always subject to change, but we like to keep it up to date, so it is a very good source of information about what we are planning. The calendar has a date and time stamp in the upper left hand corner, that will change if there has been an update.

At our parent meeting we will explain our program how it works and answer most if not all your questions about the program. It is important that you attend the meeting, it is not necessary to bring the kids to the parent meeting but if you don't have a sitter then by all means do bring them.

Volunteers are a must, and we would like to ask you to help out as much as you can. If your interested in coaching please contact Jeremy Stepan via email by clicking his name. All coaches and volunteers who have direct contact with the athletes must pass a background screening check. If you are interested, there is a link for the screening in the right-hand column.

Our Price: $ 150.00 first  2 athletes
List Price: $ 90.00 for all athletes in the same household over 2 
Stormwear Store - First Practice - Pick up Stormwear
Please click our "Shop Stormwear" link on our website to visit our online store. We have added a online store to our website with examples of our spirit wear and merchandise, please be sure to click the "Shop Stormwear" link on our website to check out the merchandise. We do not ship items to you, you can pick them up at practice.  Click here to see it

At Saturday's Practice Jennifer Grossman our Stormwear coordinator will be at practice on Saturday for pick up and placing of Stormwear orders. 
And we will have Fleet Feet Running shoe store if you need to get shoes for your kids. 
Practice Schedule
Saturday Aug 6 - Central Park - 8:00 am - Near Basketball courts. 

Monday Aug 8 - West Creek Park - 6:00 pm - at the Picnic Tables

Tuesday Aug 9 - Central Park - 6:00 pm - Near Basketball courts.

Thursday Aug 11 - College of the Canyons - 5:30 pm By Baseball Diamonds. - Park near stadium and walk up service road to baseball diamonds. - note there is a fee to park, visit the parking permit kiosk before leaving your car. The fee is a couple of dollars. 

Saturday Aug 13 - Carpintaria State Beach Practice - 10:30 am - Meet at Lifeguard Tower at end of Linden Street. 

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club