Parents and Athletes,
Here begins, Week 3….
2 weeks down and a few more to go, so let’s get to it.
Week 2 was a great week that challenged everyone to their core. Even coaches were suffering out there. Thursday night was the peak of it and I saw everyone really giving it their all during the workout. I’m proud of all of you.
The thing that always happens in running is, you have an accomplishment and then it’s on to the next task, goal, race, workout…. Always with the goal of improving. So let’s improve this week!
We will again be increasing time to run [for most that is], intensity of workouts and ultimately, you’ll be getting in better shape. Remember what I said at the first day of practice, it takes 3 weeks to get comfortable and feel like you are strong. We had a very nice week related to the weather but it’s supposed to heat up again this week so make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating good, healthy food. We will end this week on Saturday with a time trial. Everyone will run the gremlin 2k course.
So, what does a time trial mean? Basically, it’s a chance for you to show what you got at this point. Yes, you need to run hard. Yes, treat it like a race. Yes, it will bring new feelings and emotions to the season. And… yes, all of this is good. The more you can feel in practice like you will in a race, that is a good thing as it trains both your physical and emotional strength.
One reminder for the week is to keep stretching the calves and achilles at home. If you have a foam roller, then roll out as well. Before you come to practice, and after.
I’m excited to have Coach Mike and Rey leading throughout the week so thank you guys. Also, to the group coaches and all the parents helping keep the kid’s safe. What a team we have!
Have a great Monday and I’ll see you soon!
Coach Jeremy