Yo Team,
Happy Labor Day and all that goes with that. I trust you enjoyed your long weekend!
As we begin week 5, already.., I want to reflect on a couple things: first, the idea of training and being consistent. What you need to realize is being consistent is the key to success in running. Your body will begin to thrive on the consistency and you will become more and more confident in practice. You will be able to run stronger and faster, even when you are tired. Ultimately you will achieve much more than you thought you could. Second, is the fact that running isn’t EVERYTHING. We all want to be better, but I have learned in my decade of working to perfect how I coach, that things happen, family is most important and ultimately you aren’t going to lose an entire season if you have to miss a day of practice. Why do I bring this up? Because Labor Day is a great example of the sacrifice you have to consider to be a better runner. As I write this, I have no idea who will or will not be at practice. On a day off, we as parents are tired, and athletes are tired as well. You might have been at the pool all day long and just don’t want to come to practice. You might have a family barbeque with friends planned. Whatever it is we are always challenged with decisions. So, if you want to be one of the best, or want to improve, the bottom line is YOU HAVE TO TRAIN CONSISTENTLY. That doesn’t mean you can’t miss practice, but… it does mean you need to find the time to do the workout on your own if are going to miss. It’s simple, you can email your group coaches anytime you are going to miss and they have access to the exact workouts we are doing before the week begins and I’m sure they’d be happy to email you a copy of the workout. So, don’t stress if you have to miss!
Now on to this week! Saturday will be our first race of the season. It doesn’t count towards the rankings but it is your first chance to check your fitness against the other teams in the conference. This is an insignificant race otherwise so we are going to push hard this week. Last week turned out to be a blessing with all of the abnormal weather craziness going on as it was a good week to recover a little. This week, it’s on like Donkey Kong!!!
Monday night is a long run adding time for all. Tuesday we are going to change location to Central Park since COC is still closed from the fire. This will be the hardest workout of the season to date! Quad-burning, lung-burning pur enjoyment for our first hard hill workout. We will do hill repeats with short rest, not necessarily fast, but you will be burning!! That will kick your butts!!! There will be times your quads and lungs will be burning so much you will think you might just die. You won’t and you will achieve a new level of fitness IF you push yourself that night. Thursday is our lapathon at Central Park. Will it be easy, NO WAY!! We will be running a fartlek workout and this will be another opportunity to improve!!! Friday, the older kids will run another 15-25 minutes and then Saturday is the race!!!
Something you can do as an athlete that will help you this week: ice sore muscles. Get a large zip lock bag of ice and put it on your quads, hammies, then calves, then feet. Hold each section for about 10 minutes on both legs. Plus any other area, like your knees, that might be sore. If you want to do it all at once, go buy a 20lb bag of ice. Fill your bathtub, with cold water, deep enough that it will go above your hips when you sit in it. Then put the ice in and give it 5 minutes. Then jump in and prepare to freeze away your pains. It takes 5 minutes before you go numb! So bring a book with you, listen to some music, anything to take your mind off the cold. And sit in there for 10-15 minutes. Maybe split the cost of the ice with a friend and take turns in the ice bath. Then Also stretch extra at home(after you’ve warmed up from the ice). Especially the calf stretches against the wall. Straight legs and bent legs holding for 20 seconds each stretch, both legs, 2 times through. Eat healthy and more! Drink lots of water, remember the pee test! And come to practice ready to kill it!!!
Alright, that’s about enough for now. I’m excited to see you guys race and can’t wait for this upcoming week. Push yourself and be awesome this week!!!
Coach Jeremy