Practice Schedule March 24th – 29th
All practices are at Castaic High School Track
Monday March 24th, -6:15 pm -7:30 – Sub Gremlin and Gremlin
6:15 – 8:00 pm – All other age groups
Tuesday March 25th, – 6:45 pm -7:50 – Sub Gremlin and Gremlin
6:45 – 8:30 pm – All other age groups
Thursday March 27th, – 6:15 pm -7:30 – Sub Gremlin and Gremlin
6:15 – 8:00 pm – All other age groups Saturday March 29th – Away Meet @ Birmingham HS Van Nuys – 7:45am – 3:30 pm @ Birmingham Community High School. Valley Raiders, Storm, Flying Phoenix. all athletes need to be in our official uniform
2nd Track Meet Schedule
Our 2nd Meet is an away meet at Birmingham HS in Van Nuys. The track is located at the corner of Victory Blvd and Balboa Ave in Van Nuys, Please allow time to travel there, especially if your athlete will be competing in one of the first events of the day.
All 4×100 relay runners must arrive by 8:30 am. Only athletes that have checked in by 8:30 will be considered for a relay
Athletes this week will be signing up with their coaches at practice for the events they would like to do. Depending on the age of the athlete there are limits to how many events they can do each week. Sub-Gremlins & Gremlins are limited to a maximum of 3 events, everyone else is limited to 4 event maximum, but 1 event must be a relay for Bantam through Youth , Intermediate 15-18’s 4th event can be an individual event (ie not limited to a relay), an event is either a running or field event, so the limitation can be any combination of those events but not more that 3 single events for example 100. 400, and High Jump would be 3 single events.
Events can be changed at the meet if needed.
Please see you coach at the end of practice if you would like to know what events they are signed up for. Athletes are free to leave after their last event of the day.
If you have any questions about the number of events please ask your coach. The conference has a very strict policy about over eventing, the athlete will be Disqualified in all events of the day if they compete in too many events at a meet.
Order of Event
Please arrive at 7:45 am so you can do your warm-ups if you are in the first events . Track and field events will begin at 08:15-8:30 am . The normal order of running competition will be Sub Gremlin Girls, Sub Gremlin Boys, Gremlin Girls, Gremlin Boys, Bantam Girls, Bantam Boys, Midget Girls, Midget Boys, Youth Girls, Youth Boys, 15-18 Young Women, 15-18 Young Men. Field event order are shown in the order of the events which follow. We can not predict times so please arrive with enough time to check in, get your tags, and warm up.
Running Events 8:30 am
3000 Meter Run JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
(All age groups may run together. In this event)
80-Meter Low Hurdles JG, JB
100-Meter Low Hurdles YB, IG, IB
100-Meter Low Hurdles YG
4×100 Meter Relay SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
1500 Meter Run GG, GB, BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
400-Meter Dash SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
100-Meter Dash SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
800-Meter Run SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
200-Meter Dash SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
4×400 Meter Relay GG ,GB, BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG, IB
Field events will called at 08:15 and run concurrently unless combined
Running events take precedence over field events, athletes should check out of their field event on the third call for their running event, athletes need to return to their field event within 5 minutes of finishing their running event. High Jump takes precedence over other field events. Some events girls and boys will be called together!
Field Event Order- 8:30 am
High Jump BG, BB, JG, JB, YG, YB, IG/YW, IB/YM
Long Jump SGG/GG, SGB/GB, IB, IG, JG, JB, YG, YB, BG, BB
Shot Put YB, YG, IG, IB, BG, BB, JG, JB
Javelin – Junior and Bantam, Gremlin, Youth and Inter. Girls and Boys together
Number of Events for each Athlete
Sub Gremlins and Gremlins can compete in a maximum of 3 events only. Athletes who are Bantam and older may add one extra event, IF THE 4th EVENT IS A RELAY. Athletes who compete in more than the maximum number of events will have ALL marks for the day disqualified, and would cause their relay team to be disqualified. Please address any questions to your coach to avoid any possibility of exceeding the maximum allowable number of events.
Running vs Field Events
Running events take precedence over field events. At First check in at your field event. After the 3rd call for a running event, check out with the field event judge and proceed to the staging area to check in for your running event. Return to the field event within 5 minutes of completing your race or you will not be allowed to complete the event.
Lawn Chairs
Water (lots of it)
Snacks (healthy ones) fruits, veggies, sandwiches, power bars, health bars, etc.
Lunch items
Umbrella/canopy/ chairs
Complete uniform
Sweats/warm-up outfit
PowerAde/Gatorade (if desired)
Running Shoes/Spikes
The first thing on arrival is to have your child find his or her age group coach, under the purple tents. Check in with them to get the event tags for the events they will be doing at that meet. Make sure they have their sweats on, it will be cool when they arrive. Announcer calls:
First call means go your coach for warm up
Second call means coaches are finishing up warm up
Third and final call means to go to staging and check in. If your child is at a field event they must check out with the judge and go to staging and they must return 5 minutes after their running event is complete.
Your child will need to be aware, at all times, of where his or her coaches are. Keep track of what event is being called (“First call, all Gremlin Girls 200 meters, Last call, all Junior Boys 1500 meters”, etc). It is impossible for the coaches to know where sixty or more athletes are.
Athletes must warm up before each event. Have them check with their coach on when they should report in for warm ups with their group.
As the day warms up, keep your athlete OUT OF THE SUN. Use lots of sunscreen, and have them drink plenty of water and drinks like Gatorade/Powerade. NO SODA!!. Soda depletes the body of fluids. Keep them relaxed and from running around. This is a good time to have them play cards or board games with a friend.
To: All Parents and Athletes
From: Alan Bingham President of the Santa Clarita Track Club, Inc. – Storm
On behalf of the SCTC board of directors, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2025 Track & Field Season.
The Santa Clarita Track Club is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 tax exempt organization that promotes running sports for youth in the Santa Clarita Valley. Our Tax ID number is 77-0615715.
This is an all volunteer organization, your help, support, and cooperation is critical for this program to be a success. We require each parent/guardian to participate in helping to accomplish the various functions of this club i.e. coaching, timers, data entry, ribbons, tag pulling, officiating & judging events, help at practices, clothing sales, fundraising, meet setup and tear down, and assisting when we are visitors at other meets, transporting pop-up tents, first aid, I could go on and on! We want this program to continue to be the best it can for your children, and it is going to take all of us working together to make it so.
To help you understand more about the Santa Clarita Track Club’s program and philosophy, we will provide you with a Parent Handbook. It contains information regarding our club’s purpose, conduct during cross country meets and useful information concerning parent conduct and safety rules for training.
Hopefully, your questions will be answered by reading the handbook. Please contact any of the individuals listed below if you have any further questions or wish to review any of the points contained in this packet.
Alan Bingham President
Jeremy Stepan Director Cross Country
Elaine Bingham Coach
Coaches needed!!
We are still in need of a few assistant coaches and field event coaches. No experience needed, we will train you. We have a great staff of volunteer coaches but can always use more help. All coaches need to be background cleared. Our training is set for Feb 8th, 8:00 am -12:00. To get more information contact Coach Elaine with any questions you may have 661-373-6897 You can fill out the application with the link below!
Run with the Best – Storm Track & Field
The Santa Clarita Track Club is The Premier Youth Track and Field Team.
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the physical fitness, mental stamina, and team building skills of children ages 6-16, regardless of ability.
The Storm Track program is designed to introduce kids to sprint and distance running and field events by providing an experience that is fun, competitive, social, and informative about the sport. We continue to achieve excellence by developing top-notch training programs, with an emphasis on the fundamentals, competition. We retaining the most knowledgeable, dedicated and professional volunteer coaching staff.
There is a reason Storm is the Largest Team in Santa Clarita Valley and the Nation!
It is because of the dedicated staff of volunteers that ensure that every athlete is coached and no athlete is left out of achieving their potential.
More Top Santa Clarita High School athletes have ran for Storm than any other team. Storm produces athletes who truly love the sport. Each year Storm has more athletes who are awarded college scholarships than any other Youth Track and Field Program in the Santa Clarita Valley.